Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What is race ?

    The generic vision of race it’ a combination of physical and biological traits that exist to classify people, but after watching the PBS Race: the Power of Illusion, we as a class, agreed that our perception of Race had been mistaken. An idea created by people in a position of power to classify and create more diversity in our world. A strategy to disqualify and over qualify people with certain traits to create a society that is beneficial to certain individuals and detrimental to others.
     There are numerous events during history that showed us the impact that race has in the process in dehumanizing certain people because of biological traits. The invention of eugenics which is the scientific way of creating the prefect and superior race has sparked one of the most terrible events in the history of humanity. The holocaust was the persecution and murdered of Jews in Europe during the WWII because they were not pure enough to belong to the human race. This ended up with the death of 6 million Jewish people, just because they did not fit the criteria of the superior race.
    The process of classification and differentiation was created to empower a group of people with certain features and diminish another group with different attributes. We have been thought to believe in race because of the way that this society works and also to keep this cycle of categorizing and highlighting our differences rather than the things that unites us as the only predominant race.


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