Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The power of the people

In life we have been thought that the government holds the power to manage and administrate a country's wealth and it's people.But history has been proving us constantly trough history that when the situation demands it, it takes the citizens of that particular government to take matters into their own hands.

Since the beginnings of time revolutions have encouraged civilians to take a stand against what they believe to be unjust. One of this revolutions that marked a turning point in history is the French Revolution.

Where the starving citizens of the streets of Paris acted against the measure of its monarch Louis XVI.It lasted 9 years in which hundredths of Parisian men, women and children perished.Even thought the road to their long awaited freedom was not easy, the French accomplished what they needed. Overthrown the king and got a fearer treatment.
In this modern era that we are living in, there's always people around the world attempting to take back the power that it's government viciously stole.Egypt and Ukraine are recent zones where uprisings  took place and where the results favored the views of the protesters and a change was achived. 

 In the present there are two major displays of protests. Syria and my own country Venezuela. Where power is so poorly managed that it has left both countries with need  for a change and an uncertain future.

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